Wednesday 16 September 2015

A possible response by Jeremy Corbyn to recent criticism

I am a republican and an atheist. I am never going to join in the singing of a song that calls on a god to save the Queen, or expresses the hope that she will long reign over us. That is not to say that I do not respect the Queen, as a person and as my Head of State, or that I would be incapable of holding a civilised and civil conversation with her. I also respect the memory of those young people who have lost their lives in this country's wars. I mourn them, and I find it difficult to stand alongside hypocritical warmongers who would not and will not hesitate to send more young people to their deaths in the interest of vainglory and for the protection of an economic system that victimises and dehumanises those same young people and their communities. That is the way I am. If you don't approve, then you will no doubt not support me. That is your right. It is the proper function of the state to uphold and defend that right, and my right to differ from you.

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